Jérôme Brisebourg, objectif 3 pôles : Everest, pôle Nord et pôle Sud
08 April 2021 Web conferences
Jérôme Brisebourg is one of the hundred or so sports adventurers and explorers in history to have completed the Explorers' Grand Slam on 13 January 2020 at the South Pole, i.e. climbing the highest peak on each continent (Seven Summits) and reaching the North and South Poles on expedition. Jérôme looks back at the expeditions he has attempted and often successfully completed, in both high mountain and polar environments.
Camp de base du Makalu © Serge Bazin
06 April 2021 Himalayas, Mountaineering, Fourteen 8000ers
‘The ascent of Makalu, a happy page in the history of the Himalayas’. It was with this pithy phrase that Jean Franco, leader of the French expedition to Makalu in the spring of 1955, summed up their magnificent victory on the fifth highest peak on the planet. We'd like to retrace this perfect adventure for you... And we take this opportunity to introduce you to our next ascent of Makalu in April 2022, guided by Serge Bazin.
Les faces ouest des Gasherbrum IV, V, VI et  VII. Le Gasherbrum II est à peine visible derrière l’arête sud du Gasherbrum IV. Le Gasherbrum I (Hidden Peak) est caché derrière le Gasherbrum V.
01 March 2021 Himalayas, Mountaineering, Fourteen 8000ers
Gasherbrum massif. Six towering peaks, two of them over 8,000 meters: G II (8,035 m) and G I (8,068 m). In 1934, the international expedition led by Günter Dyhrenfurth produced the first fictional feature film to be shot in this grandiose setting. This was followed by the heavy expedition led by the Frenchman Henri de Ségogne (660 porters, 11 tonnes of equipment) in 1936.
Le Karakoram
21 December 2020 Himalayas, Mountaineering, Fourteen 8000ers
On 10 September 1856, Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas George Montgomerie (aged 26) climbed the glacial slopes of Haramukh (5,191 m), a well-defined peak 40 kilometers as the crow flies from Srinagar in Indian Kashmir. A look back at the careers of the most emblematic early explorers and mountaineers who set out to discover the glaciers and peaks of the Karakoram.
Marion Chaygneaud-Dupuy, une Française au Tibet et à l'Everest​
25 November 2020 Web conferences
A Frenchwoman who has lived in the Himalayas for over 20 years, Marion Chaygneaud-Dupuy has reached the summit of Everest three times via the Tibetan side and has climbed many peaks over 6,000 meters in central Tibet, some of which are still untouched. She is one of the world's leading experts on sustainable development at very high altitude, and has launched a major project to 'clean up' Everest via the northern route.
Vue sur le Shishapangma
16 November 2020 Himalayas, Mountaineering, Fourteen 8000ers
2nd May 1964. The race for the fourteen "8,000s" officially came to an end. Fourteen short years separate the victory of Herzog and Lachenal on Annapurna I (3 June 1950) and that of the Chinese team led by Xǔ Jìng. But one ambiguity remains... A look back at the first ascent of the smallest but most controversial of the 8,000 meters.
Nigma Nuru Sherpa au sommet de l'Everest
23 September 2020 Mountaineering, Testimonials, Fourteen 8000ers, Seven Summits
On our next expedition to the summit of Everest North Face, guided by Bernard Muller in spring 2021, we will be lucky enough to have Ngima Nuru Sherpa as our Nepalese expedition leader (Sirdar): a Sherpa who has already climbed Everest 22 times. He is the youngest person in the world to have set foot on the roof of the world so many times, and the second to have been there so many times.
Cho oyu
18 September 2020 Himalayas, Mountaineering, Fourteen 8000ers
The wind. The terrible Tibetan wind. It insinuates itself between all clothes, freezing the slightest patch of skin exposed to its bite. On this night in October 1954, four men, who had already imagined themselves on the summit of the "Goddess of Turquoise", had a painful experience. Victory over Cho Oyu would have to come from the frozen fingertips of Herbert Tichy, accompanied by his friend the Sherpa Pasang Dawa Lama. Here's a look back at the Austrians' success.