All our long-distance Arctic and Antarctic expeditions
Expeditions Unlimited, French leading polar expedition company, guides you on exceptional long traverses and crossings of over three weeks in Greenland and Antarctica, in particular. We cross the Greenland ice cap ski manhauling from west to east, a distance of almost 550 kilometers. We snowkite across Greenland from south to north for almost 2000 kilometers, and we can circumnavigate the Greenland icecap for almost 5000 kilometers. Our polar crossings in Antarctica may start from Novo in Queen Maud Land and reach Hercules Inlet snowkiting via the South Pole over 3000 kilometers. We are working on a polar snowkiting expedition loop from/to Novo via the South Pole, Vostok, the Argus Dome and Fuji over 5000 kilometers... Unique projects worldwide for totally autonomous snowkiters.
All these polar crossings require a very high to extreme level of physical commitment, significant experience of the polar regions, and autonomy in snowkiting in all conditions if this is the mode of propulsion envisaged. These expeditions are supervised by our highly experienced guides. On each of these expeditions, we offer a H24 medical hotline and personalized weather forecast services. We offer polar and snowkiting courses as part of our Adventure School, as well as an unrivalled range of polar expeditions in the Arctic and Antarctic, enabling you to progress serenely towards the expedition of a lifetime.
A 400-kilometer ski-pulka adventure over pack ice from Cambridge Bay to Gjoa Haven. With an experienced polar guide, an excellent preparation for polar expeditions in the high Arctic, especially to the North Pole.
Once we have passed the lows of southern Greenland, we catch the katabatic winds of the cap in our sails... Then begins the pure magic of gliding and swallowing kilometers with the least effort.
After five successful expeditions in May 2017, May 2018, then two in May 2019 and finally in May 2023, we are off again, accompanied by an experienced polar guide from Dixie Dansercoer's school. With…