High-altitude mountaineering and polar expeditions
An activity of Secret Planet

We have always been passionate about engaged exploration and since 2011, with Expeditions Unlimited, we have patiently developed our proposals for polar expeditions and very high altitude climbs. We are attached to the human dimension of exploration as much as to the physical and mental challenge it poses.

From the fourteen 8000s to both poles, from the high mountains to the ice caps, our offer projects us into the world of the few most recognized global operators of which we are certainly the only French-speaking operator.

We approach this responsibility with pride, respect and humility: excellence of our guides and expedition leaders, theoretical and practical preparation of our participants, quality of collective and individual equipment, briefings and medical hotline, weather routing, live monitoring and communication…

On a few rare initiatives, sometimes world firsts, as far as our collective memory allows one to say, we offer expeditions in the jungle, in the deserts or on the oceans.

We make extraordinary expeditions accessible to enthusiasts. We guide them to complete the journey of their life.

Expeditions Unlimited is Secret Planet's polar and high-altitude climbing expeditions activity. In this capacity, it nurtures many exchanges with its sister activity Tamera, a specialist in trekking, adventure and nature journeys, and our School Avdenture, which offers refresher and advanced courses and micro-adventure in a wide range of disciplines.


French leading operator in high-altitude climbs
Expeditions above 7000 et 8000 meters

Expeditions Unlimited has become a high-altitude leading operator with unique proposals, including fourteen Himalayan 8000 meter, 7000 meter peaks in the Himalayas and Central Asia, and near-7000s in the Andes. To gradually build up skills and experience, we also offer summits at lower altitudes and mountaineering courses in the Alps. Our services include:

  • Selected mountaineering guides and expedition leaders
  • Selected local logistics partners
  • Small group expeditions 
  • Online and face-to-face expedition preparation
  • Medical refresher courses and H24 medical hotline 
  • Personalized weather forecasts services for an optimized acclimatization strategy
  • Professional communication solutions

High-altitude climbs small selection

Leading operator in unsupported polar expeditions
From poles to ice caps

Expeditions Unlimited has become a global leading operator in long and challenging unsupported polar expeditions, with unique offerings ranging from the North and South Poles to ambitious manhauling traverses and even more longer snowkiting crossings. To gradually build up skills and experience, we offer shorter expeditions to Greenland, Scandinavia and Spitzbergen, and polar training courses in Scandinavia and the Alps. Our services include:

  • Selected polar guides and expedition leaders
  • Manhauling or snowkiting logistics
  • Small group expeditions 
  • Online and face-to-face expedition preparation
  • Medical refresher courses and H24 medical hotline 
  • Personalized weather forecasts services for an optimized routing strategy
  • Professional communication solutions

Polar expeditions small selection

Giving you a direction for your next adventures

Expeditions Unlimited offers all the major challenges that hundreds of candidates around the world have taken part in, from the most demanding to the most accessible, enabling you to gradually push back your limits and give meaning to your adventure. We're with you every step of the way:

  • Fourteen 8000: very high-altitude climbs between Nepal, Tibet and Pakistan
  • Seven Summits: the highest mountains on each of the seven continents
  • Grand slam: the Seven Summits plus the poles, last degree or from the coast 
  • Snow Leopard: the five highest 7000 meters peaks of the former Soviet Union
  • Climb Everest! from Mont Blanc climb to Everest climb
  • Seven Volcanoes: the highest volcanoes on each of the seven continents

Expeditions small selection