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2 expeditions found

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Trek à l'Assekrem
Voyage d'escalade
Voyage d'aventure à Garet El Djenoun au Hoggar
Voyage avec un touareg au bivouac
Voyage d'escalade
Logo Expeditions unlimited


Mythical climbs in the Hoggar in Algeria

We are off to conquer the mythical peaks of the Hoggar, a massif located in the heart of Algeria's Deep South, a mountainous area teeming with walls ideal for rock climbing. Superb, colourful rock,…
Duration:  15 days
Physical difficulty:Challenging
Technical difficulty:Climbing - Little Difficult (PD)
Group size:from 2 to 3 participants
Next departure on 17/01/2026
price from7,900
International flight not included
Expédition dans l'Altyn Tagh
Expédition dans l'Altyn Tagh
Expédition dans l'Altyn Tagh
Expédition dans l'Altyn Tagh
Expédition dans l'Altyn Tagh
Logo Expeditions unlimited

Expedition in the footsteps of Bonvalot in Altyn Tagh

The aim of this expedition with Bruno Paulet is to carry out a first exploration of the remote confines of the Altyn Tagh reserve, in search of a more abundant fauna of antelopes, hemiones and wild…
Duration:  29 days
Group size:from 2 to 4 participants
Next departure: ask us
price from11,500
International flight not included