All our expeditions in Central Asia, the Sahara and Southern Africa
Expeditions Unlimited guides you on some exceptional expeditions in the world's deserts, guided by the best experts. In China, we explore the remote regions of the Altyn Tagh reserve and the Tibetan Chang Thang, in search of endemic fauna. We attempt to climb Ulugh Muztagh (6973 m) and cross the Karamiran Pass to the northern plateau of Tibet. We trek with camels across the vast desert of the Sahara. We attempt an autonomous crossing of the Namib desert to the ocean, using carts to carry our water. We cross the Gobi and Taklamakan deserts with our camels.
Our knowledge of the Sahara, thanks to the experts of our sister business Tamera, dedicated to trekking and adventure journeys, enables us to design, sometimes customize, expeditions in the Sahara, notably in Algeria and Chad, and expeditions in southern Africa, notably in Namibia in the Namib Desert, guided by local guides. Our expeditions in the world's deserts and steppes are often one-off departures, given the logistical and geopolitical complexity, and the fact that our Western guides are often busy with other expert activities. Don't hesitate to contact us for any project you may have in mind.
We are off to conquer the mythical peaks of the Hoggar, a massif located in the heart of Algeria's Deep South, a mountainous area teeming with walls ideal for rock climbing. Superb, colourful rock,…
Duration:15 days
Physical difficulty:Challenging
Technical difficulty:Climbing - Little Difficult (PD)
The aim of this expedition with Bruno Paulet is to carry out a first exploration of the remote confines of the Altyn Tagh reserve, in search of a more abundant fauna of antelopes, hemiones and wild…