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17 expeditions found

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Polar expeditions
Expédition Skieur tire sa pulka dans l'immensité
Expédition avec skieurs qui se suivent sous un nuage menaçant
Expedition avec des skieurs qui avancent face au soleil lenticulaire au canada
Expédition avec un chien endormi dans la neige sous le coucher de soleil
Expédition Skieurs dans un passage difficiles de zones de compressions
Logo Expeditions unlimited

Greenland & Arctic, Americas

Northwest Passage crossing ski manhauling in the Canadian Arctic

A 400-kilometer ski-pulka adventure over pack ice from Cambridge Bay to Gjoa Haven. With an experienced polar guide, an excellent preparation for polar expeditions in the high Arctic, especially to the North Pole.
Duration:  30 days
Physical difficulty:Difficult
Group size:from 4 to 6 participants
Guaranteed next departure on 05/04/2025
price from12,000
International flight not included
Expédition et lever du jour en snowkite sur la traversée sud-nord du Groenland
Voyage d'aventure et voile de snowkite sur la traversée sud-nord du Groenland
Voyage et snowkite avec pulka sur la traversée sud-nord du Groenland
Expédition et guide polaire sur la traversée sud-nord du Groenland
Voyage d'aventure et progression sur la neige en snowkite sur la traversée sud-nord du Groenland
Logo Expeditions unlimited

Greenland & Arctic

South to North crossing of Greenland by snowkite

Once we have passed the lows of southern Greenland, we catch the katabatic winds of the cap in our sails... Then begins the pure magic of gliding and swallowing kilometers with the least effort.
Duration:  35 days
Physical difficulty:Difficult
Technical difficulty:Snowkite - Autonomous
Group size:from 2 to 3 participants
Guaranteed next departure on 29/04/2025
price from39,000
International flight not included
Expédition et progression en ski pulka sur la traversée du Groenland d'ouest en est
Voyage et arrivée à Kangerlussuaq pour la traversée du Groenland d'ouest en est
Voyage d'aventure et guide sur la traversée du Groenland d'ouest en est
Expédition et progression sur la banquise sur la traversée du Groenland d'ouest en est
Voyage d'aventure et bivouac sur la traversée du Groenland d'ouest en est
Logo Expeditions unlimited

Greenland & Arctic

Crossing Greenland from West to East

After five successful expeditions in May 2017, May 2018, then two in May 2019 and finally in May 2023, we are off again, accompanied by an experienced polar guide from Dixie Dansercoer's school. With…
Duration:  34 days
Physical difficulty:Difficult
Group size:from 4 to 5 participants
Guaranteed next departure on 11/08/2025
price from14,500
International flight not included
Expédition et progression en pulka au pôle Sud
Ascension du Mont Vinson et camp de base
Voyage d'aventure et arrivée à Union Glacier  au pôle Sud
Ascension du Mont Vinson et sommet
Voyage polaire et avancée sous des rafales de vents au pôle Sud
Logo Expeditions unlimited


Climb Mount Vinson and reach South Pole expedition

We combine the ascent of Mount Vinson with reaching the South Pole by ski pulka. Imagine yourself on top of Mount Vinson at 4892 meters, Antarctica's highest peak and one of the most coveted Seven…
Duration:  29 days
Physical difficulty:Difficult
Technical difficulty:Climbing - Little Difficult (PD)
Activities:Mountaineering, Manhauling
Group size:from 1 to 12 participants
Guaranteed next departure on 22/11/2025
price from110,000
International flight not included
Logo Expeditions unlimited


Polar expedition in Queen Maud Land in Antarctica

We land at Wolf's Fang in the magnificent Drygalski Mountains. From here, guided by a polar guide trained by Dixie Dansercoer, we will enjoy a week's expedition in an extraordinarily wild and…
Duration:  16 days
Physical difficulty:Challenging
Group size:from 3 to 4 participants
Guaranteed next departure on 23/11/2025
price from42,500
International flight not included
Expédition au pôle Sud depuis Axel Heiberg
Expédition au pôle Sud depuis Axel Heiberg
Expédition au pôle Sud en ski pulka
Voyage polaire et avancée sous des rafales de vents au pôle Sud
Expédition au pôle Sud en ski pulka
Logo Expeditions unlimited


Last degree ski manhauling expedition to the South Pole

Few have reached the South Pole on skis. This short expedition allows us to reach this mythical point. Led by a very experienced polar guide, we will need energy and determination to get there,…
Duration:  18 days
Physical difficulty:Challenging
Group size:from 1 to 12 participants
Guaranteed next departure on 03/12/2025
price from81,000
International flight not included
Stage de préparation expédition polaire
Stage de préparation expédition polaire
Voyage et bivouac au stage de préparation à une expédition polaire
Stage de préparation expédition polaire
Stage de préparation expédition polaire
Logo Expeditions unlimited


Winter training for polar expeditions in the Monts Jura

Supervised by an experienced polar guide, this first course helps you gain confidence and autonomy, and improve your skills. Depending on the dates, it can be either an introduction to polar expedition or a more in-depth course.
Duration:  3 days
Physical difficulty:Challenging
Group size:from 2 to 6 participants
Guaranteed next departure on 03/01/2026
price from980
International flight not included
Route finding through snow rime 'mushrooms' on Mount Sidley's summit ridge.
Mount Sidley northwest face
Roped travel on Mount Sidley's summit ridge
Scott W. on the summit of Mount Sidley
Mount Sidley summit and caldera
Logo Expeditions unlimited


Climb Mount Sidley volcano at 4285 meters in Antarctica

Be one of the few to have climbed Mount Sidley to 4285 meters, the highest volcano on the Antarctic continent, one of the seven highest volcanoes on the planet. Higher than the more active Mount…
Duration:  18 days
Physical difficulty:Challenging
Technical difficulty:Climbing - Easy (F)
Group size:from 1 to 12 participants
Guaranteed next departure on 06/01/2026
price from77,000
International flight not included
Expédition polaire sur le lac Inari en Finlande
Expédition polaire sur le lac Inari en Finlande
Expédition polaire sur le lac Inari en Finlande
Expédition polaire sur le lac Inari en Finlande
Expédition polaire sur le lac Inari en Finlande
Logo Expeditions unlimited


Short ski manhauling expedition on Lake Inari in Finland

One day of preparation and five days of ski manhauling on Lake Inari in harmony with nature and the elements. Led by an experienced French-speaking polar guide, we learn about self-sufficiency in polar expeditions.
Duration:  8 days
Physical difficulty:Challenging
Group size:from 4 to 6 participants
Guaranteed next departure on 07/03/2026
price from2,900
International flight not included
Snowkite à Hardangervidda
Snowkite à Hardangervidda
Voyage et village à Haugastol
Snowkite à Hardangervidda
Expédition en voile de kite en Norvège
Logo Expeditions unlimited


Snowkiting day-trip experience north of Hardangervidda with Michael Charavin

An intensive course of initiation and development to the practice of kite in a beautiful setting. Comfortable apartment and home cook. Kite equipment and sail loan.
Duration:  10 days
Physical difficulty:Challenging
Technical difficulty:Snowkite - Intermediate
Group size:from 3 to 4 participants
Last seats for the next departure of 06/02/2026
price from2,950
International flight not included
Expédition en pulka à l'Artic Circle Trail
Expédition en pulka à l'Artic Circle Trail
Expédition en pulka à l'Artic Circle Trail
Expédition en pulka à l'Artic Circle Trail
Expédition en pulka à l'Artic Circle Trail
Logo Expeditions unlimited

Greenland & Arctic

Expedition in Greenland on the Arctic Circle Trail

Accompanied by a French-speaking polar guide from Polar Experiencen – International Polar Guide Association, we are off on a ski-pulka expedition from Kangerlussuaq to Sisimiut, some 160 kilometers…
Duration:  14 days
Physical difficulty:Difficult
Group size:from 4 to 10 participants
Last seats for the next departure of 15/02/2026
price from6,550
International flight not included
Voyage en Snowkite avec une voile verte en Norvège
Voyage et pratique du snowkite en Norvège
Voyage et village en Norvège
Voyage d'aventure et snowkite en Norvège
Expédition et mont enneigé en Norvège
Logo Expeditions unlimited


Initiation to long snowkiting expeditions in Norway

An intensive course of initiation and development to the practice of kite in a beautiful setting. Comfortable apartment and home cook. Kite equipment and sail loan.
Duration:  10 days
Physical difficulty:Challenging
Technical difficulty:Snowkite - Intermediate
Group size:from 3 to 4 participants
Next departure on 13/02/2026
price from2,950
International flight not included
Stage de préparation expédition polaire
Stage de préparation expédition polaire
Stage de préparation expédition polaire
Stage de préparation expédition polaire
Voyage et bivouac au stage de préparation à une expédition polaire
Logo Expeditions unlimited


Short polar expedition and training in the Monts Jura

Supervised by an experienced polar guide, this 4-day expedition in the Monts Jura will give you your first experience of a short polar expedition, enabling you to gain autonomy and develop your routines.
Duration:  5 days
Physical difficulty:Challenging
Group size:from 3 to 6 participants
Next departure on 10/01/2026
price from1,350
International flight not included
Expédition à pied sur la glace en Mongolie
Voyage découverte hivernal sur le Lac Khövsgöl
Tente et pulka sur la glace du lac Khövsgöl en Mongolie
La glace du lac Khövsgöl en Mongole
Crêtes de compression sur le lac Khövsgöl en Mongolie
Logo Expeditions unlimited

Central Asia

Winter expedition on Lake Khovsgol in Mongolia

A wonderful introduction to the polar world with this partially autonomous crossing on the ice of Lake Khovsgol. An intense human experience in breathtaking scenery.
Duration:  17 days
Physical difficulty:Challenging
Group size:from 4 to 6 participants
Next departure on 09/02/2026
price from9,500
International flight not included
Voyage d'aventure et participant en ski pulka au Spitzberg
Voyage d'aventure et progression en ski pulka au Spitzberg
Voyage d'aventure et progression en montée avec une pulka au Spitzberg
Voyage et participants à côté de leur bivouac au Spitzberg
Trekking et bivouac au Spitzberg
Logo Expeditions unlimited

Greenland & Arctic

Winter polar expedition in Spitsbergen, Svalbard

A polar expedition for beginners with an expert. Pull sleds through the day and spend the nights in a tent under the winter stars far off the beaten track. Develop good all-round experience and enjoy the polar world.
Duration:  8 days
Physical difficulty:Challenging
Group size:from 4 to 10 participants
Next departure on 08/03/2026
price from4,500
International flight not included
Voyage et croisière sur un voilier
Voyage et océan houleu
Voyage d'aventure et crabe royal
Logo Expeditions unlimited


Antarctic sailing expedition: skiing and wildlife watching

With our polar expert guide and our skipper, we set sail from Ushuaia on our twenty-meter aluminum-hulled sailboat, crossing the Drake Passage and reaching the Antarctic Peninsula after three to four…
Recommended duration:  20 days
From1 participant
Privatized departures from December to February
price fromAsk us
International flight not included
Expédition sur le lac Baïkal vaste et gelé
Voyage d'aventure et glace brisée au lac Baïkal
Expédition et pics de glace au lac Baïkal
Voyage d'aventure et bivouac en pleine nuit au lac Baïkal
Voyage d'aventure et coucher de soleil au lac Baïkal
Logo Expeditions unlimited

Central Asia

Winter expedition on Lake Baikal in Russia

Discover our 2022 expedition live!Guided by Brecht De Meulenaere, experienced polar guide from Polar Experience, we set off with our crampons and pulkas for a magical expedition on Lake Baikal. In…
Duration:  15 days
Physical difficulty:Challenging
Group size:from 4 to 5 participants
Next departure: ask us
price from4,900
International flight not included