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2 expeditions found

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Ascension de la pyramide Carstenz et descente en rappel
Ascension de la pyramide Carstenz
Ascension de la pyramide Carstenz
Ascension de la pyramide Carstenz et passage d'escalade
Ascension de la pyramide Carstenz et passage à la corde
Logo Expeditions unlimited


Climb Carstensz Pyramid at 4884 meters in Papua, highest peak of Oceania

Puncak Jaya or Carstensz Pyramid is a mysterious and little visited objective, flanked by glaciers, large limestone escarpment that rises from the tropical forest. We start one of the most exotic…
Duration:  19 days
Physical difficulty:Difficult
Technical difficulty:Climbing - Easy (F)
Group size:from 1 to 10 participants
Guaranteed next departure on 07/10/2025
price from19,500
International flight not included
Ascension du mont Giluwe dans les Highlands de Papouasie-Nouvelle_Guinée
Randonnée à travers un paysage brumeux de montagne dans les Highlands de Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée
Trekking et campement dans la forêt des montagnes centrales de Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée
Trek en direction du mont Wilhelm plus haut sommet de Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée
Trekking avec des femmes papoues marchant vers leur village dans les montagnes de Simbai
Logo Expeditions unlimited


Climb Mount Giluwe volcano at 4368 meters in Papua New Guinea

As part of the ascent of the seven highest volcanoes in the world, Mount Giluwe (4368 m) enables you to get to know Papua New Guinea, the queen island of Oceania shared with Indonesian Papua, which…
Duration:  16 days
Physical difficulty:Difficult
Technical difficulty:Climbing - Easy (F)
Group size:from 4 to 10 participants
Next departure on 31/05/2025
price from12,900
International flight not included