Cho oyu
18 September 2020 Himalayas, Mountaineering, Fourteen 8000ers
The wind. The terrible Tibetan wind. It insinuates itself between all clothes, freezing the slightest patch of skin exposed to its bite. On this night in October 1954, four men, who had already imagined themselves on the summit of the "Goddess of Turquoise", had a painful experience. Victory over Cho Oyu would have to come from the frozen fingertips of Herbert Tichy, accompanied by his friend the Sherpa Pasang Dawa Lama. Here's a look back at the Austrians' success.
Bill Tilman, explorateur de l'Himalaya
09 July 2020 Himalayas, Mountaineering, Fourteen 8000ers
Harold William Tilman, better known as Bill Tilman, occupies a special place in the pantheon of Himalayan climbers. He made the first ascent of the highest peak in the Indian Himalayas, a victory achieved without the use of oxygen.
Expédition au pôle sud
08 July 2019 Polar regions, Ski manhauling
Jérôme Brisebourg is currently attempting to reach the South Pole via the Amundsen route in his latest challenge to complete the Explorers Grand Slam. Historically, fewer than a hundred people in the world have achieved this feat, and perhaps one or two in France.
carte de l'antarctique
29 February 2012 Polar regions
Antarctic ICE is the longest expedition without supplies and without motorised assistance ever carried out in Antarctica. Between November 2011 and January 2012, Belgian explorers Dixie Dansercoer, co-founder of EXPEDITIONS UNLIMITED, and Sam Deltour broke the world record for the longest Antarctic expedition without supplies and without motorised assistance. Dixie and Sam achieved this feat during their Antarctic ICE adventure in East Antarctica, the last unexplored region of our planet.