Web conférence 7 Volcanic Summits
18 April 2024 Seven Volcanic Summits, Web conferences
Eric Bonnem, founder of Expeditions Unlimited, talks about the rare challenge of the Seven Volcanic Summits, the characteristics of each of the expeditions and those that are no longer accessible. It's a unique conference in a world where Expeditions Unlimited is the only French-speaking organisation present.
Ojos del salado
02 April 2024 Mountaineering, Seven Summits, Seven Volcanic Summits, Testimonials
Aconcagua is the highest peak in the Americas and part of the Seven Summits challenge, while Ojos del Salado is the highest active volcano in the Americas and part of the Seven Volcanic Summits challenge. Both are in the Andes mountain range, the first in Argentina, the second in Chile.
Vue sur le pic de Orizaba
26 March 2024 Mountaineering, Seven Volcanic Summits
The Seven Volcanic Summits Challenge aims to climb the highest volcano on each of the seven continents. More accessible than the Seven Summits challenge, in that it does not include either Everest or Denali in terms of altitude and physical commitment, it is still a little-known challenge that only a few dozen people have managed to date.