Philippe au sommet du Mustagh Ata à 7546 mètres
14 December 2023 Mountaineering, Central Asia, Himalayas
In summer, for our high-altitude climbs, we have to leave Nepal or the Andes to head northwest of the Himalayas, sheltered from the monsoon, towards Pakistan, Xinjiang, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. An update on our very-high mountaineering expeditions for summer 2024.
Au sommet du Korjenevskaya
05 September 2023 Snow Leopard, Central Asia, Mountaineering, Testimonials
Having climbed Peak Lenin three times, this year we tackled the second Snow Leopard Challenge peak in (theoretical) order of difficulty: Peak Korjenevskaya. Read the diary of our expedition to Peak Korjenevskaya in Tajikistan in August 2023.
Traversée du lac Khovsgol
05 July 2023 Central Asia, Ski manhauling, Testimonials
Last February, our colleague Renaud Fulconis decided to take on the polar environment. He set himself a goal: to cross Mongolia's Lake Khövgöl in winter, independently, with his partner Aliénor.
Pic du communisme – Le grand plateau sous le pic Dushambe © Serge Hardy
14 February 2023 Snow Leopard, Central Asia, Mountaineering
In the 60s, the USSR was at the height of its glory. But borders were hermetic, and Soviet mountaineers expressed their (immense) talent on the many peaks that stretched from one end of the former Empire of the Tsars to the other. The Himalayas are off-limits to them. On October 12 1967, the Bureau of the Central Council of Sports Societies and Organizations of the USSR decided to award a prize to those who succeeded in climbing the five highest Soviet summits.