Essential for your general culture or for your next committed expedition


  • Seminar presented by leading specialists in altitude and remote medicine
  • Detecting, preventing and treating altitude sickness
  • Altitude acclimatization, decompression chambers
  • Cold, hypothermia, frostbite and other medical conditions.
  • Preparation of medical kit and prescription
  • Training certificate

Over the course of these two days, we will cover the essentials of what you need to know and anticipate when preparing and carrying out a trip or expedition at high altitude and in remote areas. This seminar not only identifies and reviews the most serious health problems that any traveler may encounter one day while trekking, but also addresses the issues of age and trekking, hypoxia testing, medical kit preparation and the SOS MAM remote medical advice service. An essential and indispensable introduction for any serious trekker planning high-mountain itineraries. A training certificate is issued at the end of the course, entitling the trainee to use the SOS MAM service.

Expedition code: EXU02702
2 days
Guaranteed next departure on 07/04/2025
Carbon footprint: 0,04 ton of CO2
Physical difficulty:Easy
Highest night:Below 2,500 m
price from490
International flight not included
Voyage et formation Ifremmont aux secours en montagne
Voyage et stage pratique aux secours en montagne
Voyage et Compréssion du caisson hyperbare à Kathmandu
Expédition et technique d'une descente sur glace à Chamonix
Expédition et formation des guides népalais au Népal
Expédition et formation Ifremmont aux premiers secours au Népal
Expédition et formation Ifremmont aux premiers secours au Népal
Voyage et formation Ifremmont aux secours à Chamonix



Founded by Dr. Emmanuel Cauchy, who tragically passed away in April 2018, IFREMMONT is a center of excellence in mountain medicine in the Mont Blanc region, born in 2005 from a project subsidized by the Rhône Alpes Region and the European Community.

Thanks to the efforts of its team and founder, Ifremmont has set up a number of initiatives to help mountain populations, rescue workers and mountain professionals in France and abroad:

  • Training in mountain medicine, from first aid to the most specific treatments for mountain diseases.
  • Documentation on all aspects of mountain medicine.
  • Clinical and fundamental research into cold and altitude-related pathologies and extreme environments.
  • Innovation in e-health, on-board sensors and telemedicine for mountaineers and extreme sports.

Conferences, round tables and incentive activities on mountain medicine, teamwork and stress management.


Day 0

Over the course of the two days, doctors specializing in altitude and isolated environments will address a number of key topics related to altitude medicine, including:

Day1: General information, altitude pathologies, altitude chamber

Day 1

9:00 a.m.: Welcome coffee, croissants

9.30 a.m – 11:00 a.m.: Presentation of Ifremmont

Initial assessment of knowledge

Constraints of hostile environments on the body

The body's defense mechanisms against cold and altitude

11.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.: Mountain sickness

1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.: Lunch break

2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.: Hypothermia / Frostbite

3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.: Acute mountain sickness

High-altitude pulmonary and cerebral edema

Other high-altitude pathologies

5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.: Recompression chamber workshop - Saturometer

approximately 8 h Meals: breakfast not included – lunch not included – dinner not included Accommodations: night not included

Day 2: Emergency medicine in isolated environments

Day 2

08:30 a.m.: Expedition medicine

Expedition kit

Telemedicine and remote medical advice

Mountain medicine application

10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.: Mountain medicine consultation

Travel medicine, vaccines

Digestive diseases and travel

1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.: Lunch break

2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.: Resuscitation workshop

3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.: Life-saving gestures

Chest pain, discomfort, splints, bandages, dressings...

4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. :

Evaluation questionnaires

Satisfaction questionnaires

Other questions

approximately 7 h Meals: breakfast not included – lunch not included


For reasons that cannot be foreseen at this stage, such as unpredictable weather, the physical fitness or lack of fitness of participants or other circumstancess (customs formalities, road conditions, traffic, landslides, force majeure, etc.), your expedition leader may have to adapt the program, if necessary, to ensure the smooth running of your trip. He remains the sole judge and the one who guarantees your safety. Activity times are given as an indication and may vary from one participant to another.

The itinerary for all our expedition programs, or the ascent program for our high-mountain expeditions, are given here as a guide only. They are flexible enough to adapt to weather conditions with a few contingency days. In any case, you should follow the recommendations of your guide, who may suggest that you cancel your expedition due to weather, safety or physical conditions.

It is important to remember that this is a truly unsupported expedition, and that anything can happen. Expeditions Unlimited, your expedition leader, your guide or our local teams can in no way be held responsible.

Any costs incurred as a result of a change in the expedition schedule (extra nights' accommodation, extra flights) will be borne by the participants and not by the organizers. "Contingency days" refer to the expedition in the strict sense of the term (base camp/base camp in the mountains, departure point/exit point on a traverse, etc.).

Any early return of the expedition or of certain members only (early success, abandonment, etc.), generating costs for accommodation, meals, changes to air tickets or other activities not provided for in this program, will be charged in full to the participants.

Trip notes

Difficulty level

Level rated: easy

This journey is accessible to anyone in good health.

Programme sans aérien

The meeting place and start time of the training course will be communicated to you 1 month before the course. Ifremmont offers these training courses in different locations in Chamonix. The Ifremmont contact is Christine - email: / Tel: +33(0)6 98 16 45 39.

Given the diverse origins of the participants on this trip, international outward and return flights are not included in this package. In most cases, we book flights on your behalf to ensure that the whole group arrives at the destination at the same time. We do not charge any fees for these air bookings. Please do not hesitate to contact us. If you book your own tickets, we will advise you on the ideal flight schedule to enable all participants to arrive within a reduced time frame. At the very least, you need tickets that can be modified. 

Group size

The group is composed of 4 to 20 participants maximum. The number of participants is deliberately limited to allow for greater immersion, to avoid embarrassing our hosts, and to develop freedom and flexibility. However, the maximum number may be exceeded if the last person to register wishes to travel with one or more other people. The services will not be modified, and the conditions of the trip will remain the same.


Personal equipment is not provided. However, a complete list is provided to allow you to check that you are taking what is necessary.

Our commitments to sustainable development

Our commitment to a better planet has been a reality since the beginning of our story but we always need to do more and better. Please find out more about our charter and our commitments in terms of sustainable development. We have drafted our charter and take action through six themes on which we act as concretely as possible, most often with you: social equity and cultural respect, preservation of water, waste management in expedition, protection of biodiversity, raise public awareness on these subjects and finally, the optimization and recovery of CO2 emissions.

Regarding carbon emissions, most of which are due to air travel, we calculated and communicated in 2018 on the carbon footprint of each of our programs, expressed in tonnes of CO2.

These calculations made us aware of the importance of the total carbon emissions generated by our activity. Also, we have committed in 2022 to a carbon reduction that we believe is unprecedented in the tourism industry, aiming to reduce the total emissions of our activity by 5% per year, taking 2019 as the reference year (3,430 tonnes of CO2). This commitment is in line with the trajectory of the Paris climate agreements of 2015, the current benchmark. Thus, in 2030, we commit ourselves not to exceed 2,160 tonnes of C02. Thus, our maximum “carbon” budget for 2024 is 2,950 tonnes and for 2025, this budget will be reduced to 2,800 tonnes. And so on until 2030. To find out more about all of our calculations and our commitments in terms of reducing our carbon emissions.

In addition, since 2019, we have been encouraging you when you book for your journey to contribute with a donation to an independent NGO, among the two we have selected that share the commitments made in our charter. We matched the amount of this donation to this program's carbon footprint. Thus, the journey you are considering generates 0,04 tons of CO2, which corresponds to a 100% donation of 1 for an estimated value today of €30 per tonne of CO2. This donation remains of course optional and you can decide to give between nothing and 100% of this amount. Since 2019, including covid years of 2020 and 2021, we have been able to collect thanks to you nearly €7,000 for these associations.

Please do not hesitate to come back to us with any questions you might have regarding this carbon footprint mechanism, our other sustainable développement commitments or even to share with us your experience through a chat or a mail at

Departures and pricing

Please find below all dates and prices for this expedition. Prices are quoted "from" and may be adjusted notably according to the number of participants (see trip notes for details). Please note that dates and prices for years beyond 2024, when given, are for guidance only and are subject to change and readjustment to take account of current economic realities.

No date works for me!

I initiate a new date

Price includes

Guiding tel qu’indiqués dans le programme. Travel folder tel qu’indiqués dans le programme.

Price does not include

Anything not mentioned in “price includes”. All accompaniments, accommodation or meals mentioned “free” in the program. Drinks and personal “extras”. Other supplements related to certain specific departure dates, a lower number of participants, your wish to “close” the group of participants, etc.

Your custom expedition

We put our expertise, our knowledge of the terrain, our creativity, our experience, the quality of our guides and the reliability of our partners at your service to build your custom expedition. We can also personalize an expedition to your wishes as soon as you form a "closed" group, whatever the number of participants.

This means that, unless you authorize us to do otherwise, no outside participants join you, and we can personalize your expedition by adapting it to your own pace, with the program extensions you desire, a higher level of comfort, certain activities, other encounters, etc.

Every expedition of this type is subject to a specific quotation. To get in touch with us now, please fill in the short questionnaire below. One of our experts will get back to you to refine your request and make you a proposal.

Consentement RGPD

The data entered in this form will be kept by Expeditions Unlimited in order to respond to your request as efficiently as possible. Expeditions Unlimited takes the management of your personal data very seriously. Find out more about our Privacy Policy..

* Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.