Mountaineering & caving

Clément supervises our mountaineering courses in the Alps, our caving courses, and some of our high-altitude ascents to 7000 and 8000 meters.

Clément has taken part in several caving expeditions, including a major National Geographic project in Papua New Guinea and our reconnaissance in Ke Bang National Park in Vietnam. He guided our Muztagh Ata (7546 m) and Manaslu (8163 m) expeditions. He has climbed the summit of Denali in Alaska (6132 m).

He regularly guides climbs in the Alps, where he knows most of the 4000-meter peaks.

Enthusiastic and experienced in expeditions of all kinds, Clément is always up for exploration in white or green universes, on snow-capped peaks or in the most grandiose underground caves.

Expeditions guided by Clément
Trainings, 7000ers, 8000ers